Thursday, November 4, 2010

Big Girl Checkup!

I am two and I went today for my Big Girl Checkup!!! I decided to get all dressed up since it was such an important day. I got dressed up. We went to the doctor. I wasn't scared at all. I liked it! Dr. Owens said I was just perfect. And then just when I thought it was time to go, some mean scary woman came in and hurt my leg. I cried. It hurt! But, then Mommy loved on me, and I got my paci. All was back to being right in my world! ;) The doctor said that I don't have to be back until after my third birthday. Yay!!!!

Here are my stats:

Weight: 29 lbs

Height: 2ft 11 inches

Both are 75th I'm growing great!

Here are pictures of my big day!


Ready to see the doctor!

Dr. Owen's said I look great!!! :)

Ouch, Momma!!!

I AM TWO!!!! :)