Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!

Madelyn has learned a new trick. She likes to roll all over the living room to get where she wants. She doesn't like to be on her tummy for any length of time, so I'm not sure if she will ever learn to crawl. But, she doesn't seem to care. Why should she? She is getting what she wants by her new found skill. Let me tell you, she's FAST!!!

She is getting to be such a big girl. Now that her tubes are in her ears, she is a happy girl most of the time. She started sitting up in March and is eating 3 times a day (cereal, fruits and veggie babyfoods). She is a picky eater. She has to have her veggies one bite after her fruits, or she will refuse! :) It took her a month of trying to finally eat cereal. She would make an awful face and refuse to open her mouth. She would gag before you even touched the cereal to her mouth. It was funny.

Cooper was always my one that was ready to hit each milestone before he should even be able to do that. Madelyn is way more laid back. She is happy where she is and if she learns something new, great...but not that big of a deal! It is amazing how different they are already. Maybe she will really turn out to be laid back. That would be a good contrast to Cooper's energy.

Here are some recent pictures of my sweet sweet girl! By the way, she can say Mama. I have no doubt she learned that word from her brother that says, "Mama, Hey Mama!!!" ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG!

1 comment:

Sandra R. Vigil said...

She is so sweet Liz! And my Emma is the same way, so laid back. She's 11 months and I remember Madison was already walking, naming everything under the sun and has shoulder length hair. Emma on the other hand, is bald, only says mama and dada and refuses to walk. So different!!